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Compilations from the Works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother


The Aims and Ideals of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram
— Selections from the Works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother
ISBN: 978-81-7058-625-8
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 93
Bougainvilleas - Protection
With their messages revealed by The Mother
— Compiled from the Writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother
ISBN: 978-81-957301-0-0
Binding: Hard Cover
Pages: 106
Price: Rs 590

A Call to the Youth of India
— Compiled from the Writings and Speeches of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother
ISBN: 978-81-7060-077-0
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 96
Price: Rs 85

Champaklal's Treasures
— Edited by M. P. Pandit, Revised by Roshan
ISBN: 978-81-7058-895-5
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 262
Price: Rs 165

Daily Quotation
A Calendar of Quotations; Make of Thy Daily Way a Pilgrimage
— Compiled from the Works of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo
Price: Rs 270 + tax as applicable

Darshan Messages of Sri Aurobindo
15 August 1972 to 15 August 2010
— Compiled from the Works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 40
Price: Rs 100

Darshan Messages of The Mother
21 February 1978 to 21 February 2020
— Compiled from the works of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 52
Price: Rs 200

A Divine Life Manifesto
An Integral Education for a Divine Life
— Compiled from the writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother with notes
ISBN: 978-81-86549-00-1
Binding: Hard Cover
Pages: 265
Price: Rs 250

Golden Gleanings
— A Compilation of Sri Aurobindo's Selected Works
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 31
Price: Rs 35

The Greatness of India and its Culture
In the Words of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother
— Compiled by Chandra Prakash Khetan
ISBN: 978-81-931830-4-5
Binding: Hard Cover
Pages: 398
Price: Rs 450

The Hierarchy of Minds
The Mind Levels
— A Compilation from the Works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother
ISBN: 978-81-7058-870-2
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 227
Price: Rs 120

Integral Healing
— Compiled from the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother
ISBN: 978-81-7058-774-3
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 260
Price: Rs 150

Light for Students
Towards Higher and Deeper Values
— Compiled from the Writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother
ISBN: 978-81-7060-189-0
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 122
Price: Rs 110

A Parent's Companion
— Compiled from the Writings of The Mother and Sri Aurobindo
ISBN: 978-81-7060-440-2
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 130
Price: Rs 180

A Student's Companion
— A Compilation from the writings of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo
ISBN: 978-81-7060-425-9
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 159
Price: Rs 180

A New Education for a New Consciousness
Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on Education
— Compiled from the Writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother
ISBN: 978-81-88847-57-0
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 248
Price: Rs 150

Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on Education
— Compiled from the Writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother
ISBN: 978-93-5210-116-0
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 188
Price: Rs 70

Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on Indian Independence and on War and Peace
— Compiled and Edited by Amalendu de
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 57
Price: Rs 40

Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on Love
Quotations selected and presented by Pavitra
— Compiled from the Writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother
ISBN: 978-93-5210-148-1
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 51
Price: Rs 60

Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on Physical Education
— Compiled from the Writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother
ISBN: 978-93-5210-217-4
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 259
Price: Rs 195

Prayers and Mantras
— Compiled from the Writings of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo
ISBN: 978-81-7060-022-0
Binding: Hard Cover
Pages: 120
Price: Rs 250

Spiritual Heritage of India
Past, Present and Future
— An annotated compilation based on the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother
ISBN: 978-81-88847-68-6
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 127
Price: Rs 80

The True Aim of Life - 2
— In the words of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother
ISBN: 978-81-903276-1-9
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 110
Price: Rs 65

Work: an offering
— Words of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother
ISBN: 978-81-7060-259-0
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 102
Price: Rs 50

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