Collected Works of the Mother

17 Volumes

NEW EDITION    The Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry, announces the release of a new edition of the Collected Works of the Mother. This edition is a uniform library set of 17 volumes, printed on acid-free paper for longevity. The volumes are hardbound in cloth, with handmade-paper jackets wrapped in plastic.
The set is priced at Rs 4800.


Born in Paris in 1878, the Mother studied painting at an art studio and became an accomplished artist. Primarily interested in inner development, she was associated with several groups of spiritual seekers in France. In 1914 she journeyed to India to meet the Indian mystic Sri Aurobindo in Pondicherry and settled there permanently in 1920. For nearly fifty years, she was the head of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, from its founding in 1926 until her passing in 1973. She also established a school, the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education, in 1952, and an international township, Auroville, in 1968.

The new edition
the Mother's
125th birth anniversary

In these writings and conversations, the Mother offers an uplifting vision of life and the promise of a luminous future. Drawing upon her wide occult, spiritual and practical experience, she explains the purpose of our life on earth, the Divine's way of working in the world, the reason for our sorrows and struggles and the way to deal with them. In simple and direct language she speaks of the qualities needed to make inner progress, relate well with others, work effectively and lead a dedicated spiritual life.



Rs 4800 (17 Volumes)




The new (second) edition contains the same texts as the first edition, except for the correction of minor errors.


About 7000


23 X 16 cm (9" X 6")


11 point, Sabon


Acid-free paper for longevity


Stitched forms, hardbound in cloth, with a handmade-paper jacket wrapped in a transparent plastic protective cover




"It is possible to identify oneself with the Mother's consciousness through what you read."

Sri Aurobindo


1  Prayers and Meditations
A record of the Mother's early spiritual life, from her diaries. Most entries are from 1912 to 1917. 395 pp.
2  Words of Long Ago
Early writings from 1893 to 1920. Essays, reflections and talks in France, Japan and Pondicherry; with stories for children. 295 pp.
3  Questions and Answers 1929-1931
Early conversations on various aspects of spiritual life; and commentaries on the Dhammapada. 325 pp.
4  Questions and Answers 1950-1951
Conversations based on Sri Aurobindo's book The Mother, the Mother's essays on education and her conversations
5  Questions and Answers 1953
Conversations based on the Mother's conversations of 1929. 439 pp.
6  Questions and Answers 1954
Conversations based on the Mother's essays on education and three small books by Sri Aurobindo: Elements of Yoga, Bases of Yoga and The Mother. 478 pp.
7  Questions and Answers 1955
Conversations based on three works by Sri Aurobindo: Bases of Yoga, Lights on Yoga and The Synthesis of Yoga. 441 pp.
8  Questions and Answers 1956
Conversations based on two works by Sri Aurobindo: The Synthesis of Yoga and Thoughts and Glimpses. 424 pp.
9  Questions and Answers 1957-1958
Conversations based on three works by Sri Aurobindo: Thoughts and Glimpses, The Supramental Manifestation upon Earth and The Life Divine. 446 pp.
10  On Thoughts and Aphorisms
Conversations based on Thoughts and Aphorisms by Sri Aurobindo; with his aphorisms. 381 pp.
11  Notes on the Way
Conversations with a disciple about the Mother's own sadhana between 1965 and 1973. 352 pp.
12  On Education
Writings and conversations on education and self-development; with three plays. 525 pp.
13  Words of the Mother - I
Short written statements on Sri Aurobindo, herself, the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Auroville, India and nations other than India; and a few conversations. 393 pp.
14  Words of the Mother - II
Short written statements on various aspects of spiritual life. 380 pp.
15  Words of the Mother - III
Short written statements on various aspects of spiritual life; and thirty conversations. 424 pp.
16  Some Answers from the Mother
Correspondence with fourteen sadhaks and students. 450 pp.
17  More Answers from the Mother
Correspondence with seven sadhaks and students. 418 pp.

Three new books have been brought out, New Correspondences of the Mother (Volume I - Rs 250, Volume II - Rs 320) and New Words of the Mother (Rs 370), which were not a part of this set of 17 volumes as they were published afterwards. The new books supplement the set and, though their binding is in soft cover and not in hard, they are in the same format as the set volumes. For more information on these books, click below:
New Correspondences of the Mother [I]
New Correspondences of the Mother [II]
New Words of the Mother

Ordering in India

The Collected Works set can be purchased through bookshops anywhere in India. Our distributor throughout the country is Rupa & Co. / KGM International. The set can also be ordered by post / surface courier directly from us.


Seventeen-volume set, Rs 4800, free shipping   


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  • By card online via the shopping cart process.
  • Banker's Cheque or World Money Order favouring SABDA, Sri Aurobindo Ashram, payable at any bank in the country of origin of the currency. Currencies accepted are US dollars, euros, pounds sterling, Swiss francs, Canadian dollars or Australian dollars (calculate equivalent to our online quote appropriately)
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    Contact us for more details or other payment options.

Sri Aurobindo Ashram
Pondicherry 605 002
Tel. +91 413 2223328, 2233656
WhatsApp: +91 94885 03098
(Please mention your location when you email us)

The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo

To commemorate Sri Aurobindo's 125th birth anniversary in 1997, the Sri Aurobindo Ashram brought out The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo in a uniform library edition of 37 volumes.

The set contains all works published thus far as well as some previously unpublished writings. The texts have been checked against all available manuscripts and earlier editions to ensure their accuracy.

New Texts

The Complete Works includes around 3000 pages of texts which did not form part of the earlier 30-volume Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library.

  • a volume of Vedic and linguistic writings, Vedic Studies with Writings on Philology.
  • commentaries on the major Upanishads, especially the Isha. This material
    is placed in two volumes, Isha Upanishad and Kena and Other Upanishads.
  • two volumes of Sri Aurobindo's spiritual journal, Record of Yoga,
    the diary of his sadhana between 1909 and 1927; with a glossary.
  • about 300 pages of writings on philosophy and yoga, not published during
    Sri Aurobindo's lifetime. This material appears in Essays Divine and Human.
  • new letters on yoga
  • new autobiographical writings


1  Early Cultural Writings
(formerly The Harmony of Virtue)
2  Collected Poems
3  Collected Plays and Stories - I
4  Collected Plays and Stories - II
5  Translations
6  Bande Mataram - I
Political Writings and Speeches 1890-1908
7  Bande Mataram - II
8  Karmayogin
Political Writings and Speeches 1909-1910
9  Writings in Bengali and Sanskrit
10  Record of Yoga - I
11  Record of Yoga - II
12  Essays Divine and Human
Writings from Manuscripts 1910-1950
(formerly The Hour of God and Other Writings)
13  Essays in Philosophy and Yoga
Shorter Works 1910-1950
(formerly The Supramental Manifestation and Other Writings)
14  Vedic Studies
with Writings on Philology
15  The Secret of the Veda
with Selected Hymns
16  Hymns to the Mystic Fire
17  Isha Upanishad
18  Kena and Other Upanishads
19  Essays on the Gita
20  The Renaissance in India
with A Defence of Indian Culture
(formerly The Foundations of Indian Culture)
21  The Life Divine - I
22  The Life Divine - II
23  The Synthesis of Yoga - I
24  The Synthesis of Yoga - II
25  The Human Cycle,
The Ideal of Human Unity,
War and Self-Determination
26  The Future Poetry
with On Quantitative Metre
27  Letters on Poetry and Art
28  Letters on Yoga - I
29  Letters on Yoga - II
30  Letters on Yoga - III
31  Letters on Yoga - IV
32  The Mother
with Letters on the Mother
33  Savitri - I
34  Savitri - II
35  Letters on Himself and the Ashram
36  Autobiographical Notes
and Other Writings of Historical Interest
37  Reference Volume (not yet published)





500 pages per volume on the average


9.5" x 6.5" (24 x 16 cm)


11 point, Sabon


Special acid-free paper for longevity


Stitched forms, hardbound in cloth, wrapped in a transparent plastic protective cover



    All orders should be placed with

    Sri Aurobindo Ashram
    Pondicherry 605 002
    Tel. +91 413 2223328, 2233656
    WhatsApp: +91 94885 03098
    (Please mention your location when you email us)

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