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Works of Other Authors

Browse Sub-Sections

• Biography
• On Sri Aurobindo and the Mother
• On the Ashram and Auroville
• On Disciples
• Indian Tradition
• Philosophy
• Yoga
• Social and Political Thought
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• Literature
• On Savitri
• Literature for the Young
• Poetry
• Education
• Health The Health section is divided into two further sub-sections, one also titled 'Health' and the other, 'On Eye Care'.

The majority of titles in SABDA's Health sub-section are booklets that describe specific exercise programmes for men and women that include traditional Indian systems as well as more modern approaches. These programmes were devised by the Director of the Physical Education Department of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram. Many of the titles are illustrated to enable readers to practise these exercises. Included also in this sub-section is Dr Soumitra Basu's Integral Health, in which he discusses health and holistic well-being in the light of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.

The titles on eye care mostly have to do with alternative approaches to improving eyesight or correcting eye-related defects without the use of eyeglasses.

Visitors may first click on the sub-section that is of interest to them, after which they may go to specific titles. They are taken to a page that has details about the book, a description of the book in an 'About' section, and a review in a 'Review' section in some cases.

     • Health
     • On Eye Care
• Art
• Miscellaneous
• Collected Works


For further details about any publication, click on its title.

cover Fine Print as an Aid to Eyesight
— School for Perfect Eyesight
ISBN: 978-81-7058-764-4
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 7
Price: Rs 5
cover Our Eyes
"Relax and See"
— School for Perfect Eyesight
ISBN: 978-81-7058-529-9
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 24
Price: Rs 18
cover Mind and Vision
A handbook for the cure of imperfect eyesight without glasses
— Dr R. S. Agarwal
ISBN: 978-81-7058-782-8
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 314
Price: Rs 130
cover Secrets of Indian Medicine
— Dr R. S. Agarwal
ISBN: 978-93-5210-169-6
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 254
Price: Rs 115
cover Yoga of Perfect Sight
With Letters of Sri Aurobindo
— Dr R. S. Agarwal
ISBN: 978-81-7058-983-9
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 249
Price: Rs 110