Secrets of Indian Medicine

— Dr R. S. Agarwal


Price: Rs 115

Pages: 254
Dimensions (in cms):  12x18
ISBN: 978-93-5210-169-6  
Soft Cover
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Publication Department, Pondicherry

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About Secrets of Indian Medicine

The early chapters of this book lay the foundation for the author's integral approach to medicine and include explanations of the basic tenets of Ayurveda. He provides extensive examples of how, as a trained allopath, he formulated a synthesis of the four well-known systems of medicine – Ayurveda or Indian medicine, Allopathy or modern medicine, Homeopathy, and Nature Cure – to treat eye troubles, and further argues this same type of synthesis can be effectively worked out for the rest of the body. Case histories and question-and-answer sections make this a handbook for improving one's eyesight as well as an exposition of the secrets of Indian medicine.