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Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Welcome to the first issue of SABDA eNews. We were pleased to see the enthusiastic response to our subscription invitations, and look forward to sharing with you reviews, articles and readers’ impressions in the months to come.

We start with new publications for the month of July, and glance back at books released earlier this year.

To order any book, click on the title, which will locate the book in our online catalogue, and add it to the shopping cart. As you may be aware, you now have the option to pay by credit card online.



coverSanskrit and the Evolution of Human Speech

Based on Sri Aurobindo's Linguistic Theory
— Dr Sampadananda Mishra
ISBN: 81-7060-236-X
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Institute of Research in Social Sciences, Puducherry
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 171
Price: Rs 125

This book presents Sri Aurobindo's views on linguistics in general and on Sanskrit in particular. It compares Sri Aurobindo's approach to the problem of the origin of human speech with those of other philologists.

Sri Aurobindo has extensively studied some of the word-families of Sanskrit to find out the original mind-impressions that the root-sounds have within them. Discovering these, he shows how Sanskrit has preserved the original primitive structure of language and the system of simple root-sounds.

Some original writings of Sri Aurobindo on the subject are included.

I. Study of Language and Sri Aurobindo
II. The Origin and Development of Language: Sri Aurobindo's Theory
III. Growth of Language from Seed-sounds
IV. The Creative Word: A New Approach to the Study of Language
V. A True Interpretation of the Vedas: Need for a New Science of Language

coverNationalism, Terrorism, Communalism

Essays in Modern Indian History
— Peter Heehs
ISBN: 0-19-565302-5
Publisher: Oxford University Press, New Delhi
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 174
Price: Rs 195

During his political career, Sri Aurobindo was one of the leading exponents of anti-British nationalism in India. At the same time he was the inspiration behind a clandestine group that planned to overthrow the colonial government by force. The sort of violent acts that this group carried out are regarded by social scientists as "terrorism", using that word in a technical sense that was current before recent events altered its meaning. Sri Aurobindo's writings have sometimes been regarded as giving expression to a specifically "Hindu" form of nationalism. The author shows, however, that his nationalism was inclusive and not directed against any religious community. The seven scholarly essays that make up this book will be of interest to students of the Indian freedom struggle and of Sri Aurobindo's early thought.
(Now available with SABDA — was briefly available in January-February but went out of print with the publisher)


coverParoles Vivantes

Glanées dans les oeuvres de Sri Aurobindo et de la Mère
— Anthologie de A. S. Dalal
ISBN: 81-7058-789-1
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Publication Department, Puducherry
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 252
Price: Rs 110

Les paroles de Sri Aurobindo et de la Mère recueillies dans ce livre par A. S. Dalal demeurent "vivantes", car elles sont une évocation et une expression directes de l'âme.


coverSri Aurobindo und Die Mutter (Englisch – Deutsch) Volume 1 – Band 1

— Compiled from the Works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother
ISBN: 3-931172-23-6
Publisher: Theodora and Eckhard Karnasch, Germany
Binding: Deluxe Hard Cover
Pages: 311
Price: Rs 320

Englisch - Deutsch
- Band 1
Die neue von Theodora und Eckhard Karnasch herausgegebene, zweisprachige Serie von Sri Aurobindo und Der Mutter lädt zum „Abenteuer des Bewusstseins und der Freude” ein. Der erste Band umfasst Auszüge aus den Werken:
- Autobiographische Aussagen
- „Aphorismen“, „Gedanken und Einblicke“
- Briefe, kurze Artikel
- Gedichte und das Epos „Savitri“
- „Das Göttliche Leben“
sowie die vollständigen Texte:
- „Der Traum“ ursprünglich in Bengalisch erschienen, aus den frühen Jahren 1909-10
- „Die Offenbarung des Supramentalen“, 1948-50 erschienen - Sri Aurobindos letzte Artikelserie
Die Bände erscheinen in ansprechendem seidengebundenem Gewand mit goldenem Titeldruck


coverAntarik Paripoornata

— Sri Mataji
ISBN: 81-7058-787-5
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Publication Department, Puducherry
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 94
Price: Rs 32


coverIsha Upanishad

— Sri Aravind
ISBN: 81-7058-790-5
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Publication Department, Puducherry
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 146
Price: Rs 60

For those who may not have referred to the new releases page of our website, here is a recap of new publications released earlier this year. To check out titles brought out last year, please visit the new releases page here:
Select “January” and “2004” in the New Releases panel on the left and click on the GO button. For new releases in languages other than English, first select the language in the Select Catalogue panel on the left, wait till the page reloads itself and then repeat the “new releases” search as described above.


coverThe Upanishads–I : Isha Upanishad

— Sri Aurobindo
ISBN: 81-7058-749-2
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Publication Department, Puducherry
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 597
Price: Rs 160

"The Upanishads" has now been expanded and brought out in two volumes, with much new material published for the first time in book form. The single volume "The Upanishads" has been discontinued, with all its content included in the two new volumes, each available as an independent book.

"The Isha Upanishad is the gospel of a divine life in the world and a statement of the conditions under which it is possible and the spirit of its living," writes Sri Aurobindo in one of the commentaries that make up this book. He had a special interest in this Upanishad, and translated and commented on it a number of times before presenting his final interpretation in a terse, 75-page analysis. In the present volume that final translation and analysis are followed by ten earlier commentaries, also containing much of interest. All of them help us understand "the object of our existence, which is to manifest … the glory of the divine Life and the divine Being".

coverThe Upanishads–II : Kena and Other Upanishads

— Sri Aurobindo
ISBN: 81-7058-748-4
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Publication Department, Puducherry
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 449
Price: Rs 140

"The Upanishads" has now been expanded and brought out in two volumes, with much new material published for the first time in book form. The single volume "The Upanishads" has been discontinued, with all its content included in the two new volumes, each available as an independent book.

The Kena Upanishad is concerned "with the relation of mind-consciousness to Brahman-consciousness", writes Sri Aurobindo in his commentary on this work. "The material world and the physical life exist for us only by virtue of our internal self and our internal life. According as our mental instruments represent to us the external world, according as our vital force in obedience to the mind deals with its impacts and objects, so will be our outward life and existence." Along with Sri Aurobindo's final translation of and commentary on the Kena, this book includes his translations of six other Upanishads as well as several other translations and commentaries, and essays such as 'The Philosophy of the Upanishads'.

coverIntegral Healing

— Compiled from the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother
ISBN: 81-7058-774-3
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Publication Department, Puducherry
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 260
Price: Rs 105

This book of selections from the writings and talks of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother presents their insights into the causes and cure of illness. It examines the mechanism of illness primarily from a psychological point of view, taking into account the whole of our being including much that is beyond the range of our normal awareness. It explores how the hidden causes of physical disorders can be uprooted by discovering and utilising one's inner power and participating consciously in the accelerated evolutionary process known as Integral Yoga.

The book is divided into 4 parts, "Psychological Causes of Illness", "Cure by Inner Means", "Cure by Spiritual Force" and "Medicine and Healing".

coverHappiness and Peace

— Compiled from the Writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother
ISBN: 81-7060-234-3
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Society, Puducherry
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 28
Price: Rs 15

Simple passages with a practical orientation on the subject.

coverTrue Love

— Words of the Mother
ISBN: 81-7060-239-4
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Society, Puducherry
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 48
Price: Rs 15

cover"Read Sri Aurobindo"

How to Read Sri Aurobindo and Teachings of Sri Aurobindo
— Words of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo
ISBN: 81-7060-240-8
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Society, Puducherry
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 48
Price: Rs 15

coverThe Golden Path

Interviews with Disciples of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother from the Sri Aurobindo Ashram an
— Anie Nunnally
ISBN: 0-930736-05-2
Publisher: The Sri Aurobindo Center of Los Angeles, U.S.A.
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 264
Price: Rs 200

During the lifetimes of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, a number of people gathered around them to receive guidance in their yoga. Today the Masters are no longer in the physical but these recipients of their Grace are "anchors of the Light and an inspiration to countless many who have never been in their physical presence".

"The author has selected twelve such disciples and, in these interviews, has drawn out the thread of the spiritual life that has grown in them through their contact with the Masters."

coverThe Indian Spirit and the World's Future

— K. D. Sethna (Amal Kiran)
ISBN: 81-7060-227-0
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Society, Puducherry
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 185
Price: Rs 150

A collection of editorial articles for Mother India from 1949 to 1952. These are of "immense value" because they were all approved by either Sri Aurobindo or the Mother, and their themes are as important and pressing today as when they were written. After all, today "we are still debating the question of Indian nationalism, the meaning of national pride, the significance of the English language and the essential truths behind Hinduism." We are still confused about secularism and the legacy of Mahatma Gandhi for nation building. These articles deal with the bearing of Sri Aurobindo's vision on such issues of burning relevance to India and the world.

This companion volume to India and the World Scene has been reprinted after over half a century.

coverYoung Aurobindo's Vision: The Viziers of Bassora

— Dr Manoj Kumar Mishra
ISBN: 81-7977-106-7
Publisher: Prakash Book Depot, Bareilly
Binding: Hard Cover
Pages: 134
Price: Rs 200

According to the author, though The Viziers of Bassora was Sri Aurobindo's first play, written when he was in his twenties, it reflected in a nascent form the concept of evolution of man discussed years later in The Life Divine. The author argues that it should not be read in isolation as a simple play. This book shows how the play anticipates The Life Divine, and thus helps trace the evolution of Sri Aurobindo's thought and vision.

coverSri Aurobindo: Critical Considerations

— O. P. Mathur
ISBN: 81-7977-022-2
Publisher: Prakash Book Depot, Bareilly
Binding: Hard Cover
Pages: 272
Price: Rs 300

This anthology of essays by eminent scholars attempts to fill a need "for a book which could project as many as possible of the major aspects of Sri Aurobindo's multi-faceted achievement". The various contributions cover both Sri Aurobindo's philosophy as well as his poetry and plays.
(Now available with SABDA)

coverOn the Mother Divine

— Pasupati
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Karmi Sangha Trust, Habra-Prafullanagar
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 124
Price: Rs 75

This book is about the life and teaching of the Mother. It traces the growth of the Ashram and the Centre of Education, and the birth of Auroville. The personality of the Mother in its various aspects is effectively portrayed in a simple and intimate manner.
On the Mother Divine was first published in 1968. This second edition has been brought up-to-date with the addition of new chapters.


coverLe Secret du Véda

suivi de Hymnes choisis du Rig-Véda avec Commentaires
— Sri Aurobindo
ISBN: 81-7058-791-3
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Publication Department, Puducherry
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 470
Price: Rs 260

Sri Aurobindo met en lumière le sens caché des hymnes védiques, et montre en quoi la réalisation spirituelle des grands Rishis demeure pour nous une source toujours vivante d'inspiration. La deuxième partie de cet ouvrage comporte une sélection d'hymnes traduits du sanskrit et commentés par Sri Aurobindo.

Ce livre épuisé depuis cinq ans est à nouveau disponible dans une nouvelle traduction.

coverRoses Blanches

— Extraits de lettres de la Mère à Huta
Publisher: The Havyavahana Trust, Puducherry
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 138
Price: Rs 100


coverNama-Japa im Yoga der Transformation

— Ramkrishna Das
Publisher: Auro Seva Trust, Puducherry
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 107
Price: Rs 125


coverLUI e LEI la Loro guerra di Luce

— Maggi Lidchi Grassi
ISBN: 88-88508-02-3
Publisher: Edizioni Lilaurora, Italy
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 249
Price: Rs 920



Sambhavya Sakal Pathya Sambalita Sri Mayer Jeebonalekhya
— Satadal
Publisher: Smt. Papiya Debnath, Ranaghat
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 138
Price: Rs 60

coverEktu Pichiye ... Antare

Srima-Sri Aurobinder Lekha Avalambane
— Debabrata Majumdar
ISBN: 81-7060-235-1
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Society, Puducherry
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 96
Price: Rs 40


Anandamayi Jeeboner Chabikathi (Srima-Sri Aurobinder Lekha Abalambane)
— Debabrata Majumdar
ISBN: 81-7060-228-9
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Institute of Research in Social Sciences, Puducherry
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 44
Price: Rs 23

coverO Pathik Tomar Jholay Ki

(Srima-Sri Aurobinder Lekha Abalambane)
— Debabrata Majumdar
ISBN: 81-7060-226-2
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Institute of Research in Social Sciences, Puducherry
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 46
Price: Rs 20


coverSri Aravind ane Sri Matajine Lagati Prasangikao

Transo ne sath satya kathanako
— Shyam Kumari
Publisher: Gurjar Grantha Ratna Karyalaya, Ahmedabad
Binding: Hard Cover
Pages: 220
Price: Rs 105

coverYoga Sadhanama Manav Sambandho

— Sri Aravindanan Lekhanomanthi Sankalan ane Anuvad
Publisher: Nautambhai Bhatt Memorial Prakashan Trust, Gandhinagar
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 64
Price: Rs 15



— Sri Aravind
Publisher: Amrita Bharati
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 27
Price: Rs 30

coverMyrtilla ke liye kuchh Geet

— Sri Aravind
Publisher: Amrita Bharati
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 26
Price: Rs 20

coverMrityu ko Param ka Sparsh

Sri Aravind ke Darshan par Adharit
— Jyoti Thanki
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Society, Ujjain
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 72
Price: Rs 35

coverBhagavan ki Aur (Pratham Bhag)

Sri Aravind evam Sri Ma ke Bhakton tatha Shishyon ki 13 Alaukik Satya Kathayen
— Shyam Kumari
Publisher: Vraja Trust, Puducherry
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 242
Price: Rs 150



Publisher: Karnataka Nilayam Trust, Puducherry
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 86
Price: Rs 40

coverSri Aravinda Shabdavali

— KO Chennabasappa
Publisher: Karnataka Nilayam Trust, Puducherry
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 93
Price: Rs 50


coverSri Aravindasiramathin Nokkangalum Latchiyangalum

— Compiled from the Works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother
ISBN: 81-7058-735-2
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Publication Department, Puducherry
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 80
Price: Rs 40

coverOrumunaippai Valarthu Kolvadhu Eppadi?

— Sri Aravindar-Sri Annai Ezhuttukkallilirundhu Thogukkapattavai
ISBN: 81-7060-222-X
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Society, Puducherry
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 43
Price: Rs 15

coverSri Aravindarin Nilavin Oliyil

Kavidaigal - Thoguthi IV
— Tamizhil: N.V. Balu
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Society, Anna Nagar Centre, Chennai
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 96
Price: Rs 30

coverPetror Aagumun

Mainmayi Porundhiya Edhirkalathai Nokki
— Essays by Various Authors
ISBN: 81-7060-238-6
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Society, Puducherry
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 60
Price: Rs 35

coverAnmavai Nokki En Punidhapayanam

— Govindbhai Patel
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Devotees Prayer Group, Coimbatore
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 100
Price: Rs 30


coverSayam Sambhashanalu (only two chapters)

Sadhana, Manastatwam
— A.B. Purani
Publisher: Sri Mataravinda Divya Jeevana Kendra, Sri Aravindapuram
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 126
Price: Rs 20

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