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Sri Aurobindo Ashram

The Alipore Bomb Case is familiar to all who know of Sri Aurobindo’s critical leadership role in the Indian independence movement. The first of two volumes, Alipore Bomb Trial 1908–1910: A Compilation of Unpublished Documents, is a book for serious history buffs in its exhaustive compilation of previously unpublished documents and in its critical analysis. The charge against the conspirators was waging war against the King-Emperor, yet the colonial rulers chose to deal with it through legal methods, “prompted by the motive of highlighting the liberal face of colonial administration and the glory of British justice to the world at large”. But the aftermath of the trial saw harsh new amendments to the criminal as well as the Press laws. This book shows how the Alipore Bomb Trial changed the tenor of the freedom struggle and helps to expose some hypocrisies of the British judicial system in colonial India.

There is a long section of the book devoted to the statements of the 206 witnesses at the trial (about 350 pages of statements). The editor points out that many of these statements provide a wealth of untapped material:
Many statements recorded in the Alipore Trial contain historically important information, such as that of Aswini C Banerji (Prosecution Witness 105) who was in the forefront of the Swadeshi Movement. Banerji for two days stood in the witness box and spoke on Swadeshi and the revolutionary terrorist movement in Bengal, as also on the contemporary political leaders with great insight. This piece has so far remained unused by the historians, as it was not in the public domain. Likewise the Midnapur Provincial Conference, where the Congress “Extremists” held a ‘stage-rehearsal’ of the Surat imbroglio to take place a few days later, has been narrated by several witnesses…The conference was eventually broken up by a group led by Barindra and Satyendra Nath Bose with the tacit approval of Aurobindo who all along sat silently on the dais. In the statements of the witnesses…we get a blow by blow account of the happenings…[there]. Another witness, an Intelligence Officer tasked by the regime to maintain surveillance on the Press, narrated the enforcement of the Press laws in such details that it might help construct the history of the freedom of Press under colonial regime.

Based on the wisdom of the Gita and drawing inspiration from Sri Aurobindo’s Essays on the Gita, the next book aims at understanding what spirituality means in the midst of a competitive work environment. Spirituality at Work shows how the ideas found in the Gita are powerful factors that can help shape a renewal and revival of Indian thought and culture and change the spirit behind the modern work dynamic.

Real Utopias is a collection of essays, paradoxes, and short stories which first appeared in its original French in 1989. The author, a poet and translator, observes the process of inner change through the lens of Auroville life. This excerpt from “Paradox-Town”, an essay written in 1983, captures the humour and perceptive character of the collection:
    In Auroville (elsewhere too, but here perhaps it is more obvious, the human gaze is less clouded), things and the elements take good care of the living. Dust and heat, esplanade-nights and tunnel-nights, alternate skillfully. The Electricity Fairy – for those who have made contact with Her – has fascinating whims. Nature cradles, fills with wonder, harasses (but our self-harassment is much worse).…Erosion itself is our attentive sister—how she reminds us of our duties! As for the inner erosion (that stripping down of pedestals, that clever remodeling with the assistance of Time), it is our daily fare. Caterpillars, twigs and all kinds of droppings rain down on our mats: it is a form of homage.


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Alipore Bomb Trial 1908–1910
A Compilation of Unpublished Documents
— Compiled, Edited and with an Introduction by Amiya K Samanta
ISBN: 978-93-81043-23-3
Publisher: Frontpage, Kolkata
Binding: Hard Cover
Pages: 830
Price: Rs 2195

A project of the Indian Council of Historical Research, this is the first of two volumes bringing to light all the unpublished documents related to the Alipore Bomb Trial. The long introduction looks at the motivating spirit of patriotism, nationalism, self-sacrifice, and strong aspiration for freedom from colonial rule that set the context for the events leading up to the Alipore Bomb Trial. Highlighting Sri Aurobindo’s leadership role in the freedom struggle, the editor outlines the emergence of secret societies in Bengal, the political conflict of moderate versus extremist, the ideological clash between passive resistance and violence, the persecution of the press, and the developing events at the Maniktala Garden leading to the search, seizure, and arrest of the accused. By discussing how witness statements, confessions, and expert evidence play a role in a criminal trial, how law and procedure operate in the courtroom, and how truth is determined in a judicial trial, he prepares the reader to evaluate the unpublished documents relating to the Alipore Bomb Trial that follow in the next four chapters.

Spirituality at Work
— Devdas Menon
ISBN: 978-93-82742-52-4
Publisher: Yogi Impressions Books Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 303
Price: Rs 499

Based on the teaching of the Bhagavad Gita and drawing inspiration from Sri Aurobindo’s Essays on the Gita, this book has emerged from the lecture notes prepared by the author for a course on Integral Karmayoga offered at IIT Madras in 2014. Aimed at rediscovering the inspiring message of the Gita, the book focuses on finding fulfillment in life through the application of conscious will—through karmayoga, but also incorporating the ways of knowledge and devotion. Its purpose is to help the next generation face the challenges of a competitive work environment by applying the wisdom of the Gita to their daily lives.

Real Utopias
Essays, Paradoxes, Short Stories
— Raymond Thépot
ISBN: 978-81-87582-03-8
Publisher: Editions Latin Pen, Auroville
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 61
Price: Rs 125

A collection of essays, symbolic tales, inner dialogues, and short stories, this book by a longtime resident of Auroville was published originally in French in 1989.

The work focuses on the author's experiences of and observations on the process of inner change, and exhibit subtle humour, hard-won insights, and a nuanced, almost poetic diction. Auroville is the subject of the symbolic tale "Windowville", which describes some of the ordeals faced by those who choose to settle there.

Mother of the Gods
— Selections from the Works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother
ISBN: 978-81-7060-387-0
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Society, Pondicherry
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 49
Price: Rs 30

The Path of Agni
Yoga of the Vedic Rishis
— Selections from the Works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother
ISBN: 978-81-7060-386-3
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Society, Pondicherry
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 50
Price: Rs 30


— Sri Aurobindo
ISBN: 978-93-5210-082-8
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Publication Department, Pondicherry
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 266
Price: Rs 325

Traduction révisée et complétée des poèmes courts de Sri Aurobindo.


Bharatavarsh ki Chintan-Shakti
— Sri Aravind
ISBN: 978-93-5210-113-9
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Publication Department, Pondicherry
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 20
Price: Rs 28

Hindi translation of The Brain of India

Description of content for original work:
        In this series of his analytical essays first published in 1909 in the Karmayogin, a weekly journal edited by Sri Aurobindo, he addressed the need to create a centre of thought and knowledge in India which would revolutionise the mind of the nation. This called for a new education system that would revive the main psychological principles on which ancient India based its scheme of education, but with a more modern organisation.

Purna Swasthata
— Sri Mataji aur Sri Aravind ke Lekhon se sankalit
ISBN: 978-93-5210-108-5
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Publication Department, Pondicherry
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 284
Price: Rs 175

Hindi translation of Integral Healing

Description of content for original work:
        This book of selections from the writings and talks of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother presents their insights into the causes and cure of illness. It examines the mechanism of illness primarily from a psychological point of view, taking into account the whole of our being including much that is beyond the range of our normal awareness. It explores how the hidden causes of physical disorders can be uprooted by discovering and utilising one's inner power and participating consciously in the accelerated evolutionary process known as Integral Yoga. The book is divided into four parts: "Psychological Causes of Illness", "Cure by Inner Means", "Cure by Spiritual Force", and "Medicine and Healing".

Vedic Yug
Sri Aravind ke Alok main
— Chandra Prakash Khetan
ISBN: 978-81-931830-8-3
Publisher: The Resurgent India Trust, Jhunjhunu
Binding: Hard Cover
Pages: 452
Price: Rs 475

Hindi translation of The Vedic Age

Description of content for original work:
        Closely following and liberally quoting Sri Aurobindo's views, the author adopts an integral approach to his study of the Veda and the Vedic Age. In the first part he lays bare the misconceived Aryan invasion theory and traces the roots of Indian thought and civilisation back to the Vedas and the profound philosophy of the Upanishads. A long second section presents Sri Aurobindo's interpretation of the Veda. The third part examines the Veda through the eyes of historians, both Indian and European, and concludes with a chapter on the history of the Vedic Age in the light of Sri Aurobindo, who asserted the influence of the Veda on the modern world's spirituality, religion, and thought.


Sri Aurobindo Darshan
Purnadwaitobader ek bhumika
— Dr Dilip Kumar Roy
ISBN: 978-81-931624-5-3
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Pathamandir, Kolkata
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 187
Price: Rs 250


Purnanga Niramayata
— Sri Aurobindo O Srimanka Lekharu Sangruhita
ISBN: 978-93-5210-117-7
Publisher: Navajyoti Publication, Pondicherry
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 285
Price: Rs 150

Oriya translation of Integral Healing

Description of content for original work:
        This book of selections from the writings and talks of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother presents their insights into the causes and cure of illness. It examines the mechanism of illness primarily from a psychological point of view, taking into account the whole of our being including much that is beyond the range of our normal awareness. It explores how the hidden causes of physical disorders can be uprooted by discovering and utilising one's inner power and participating consciously in the accelerated evolutionary process known as Integral Yoga. The book is divided into four parts: "Psychological Causes of Illness", "Cure by Inner Means", "Cure by Spiritual Force", and "Medicine and Healing".


— Sri Aurobindo
Publisher: Payaguna Prakashana, Amaravati
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 86
Price: Rs 120


Savitri (Swechchhanuvadam: D. Satyavani)
— Sri Aravindulu
Publisher: D. Satyavani, Hyderabad
Binding: Hard Cover
Pages: 856
Price: Rs 600

Telugu translation of Savitri

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