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Sri Aurobindo Ashram

The Mother’s work took countless forms, visible to the outer sight and sensible to the subtlest consciousness. One of the new books introduced in this issue, the two-volume set titled The Mother: Her Miraculous Touch, uses a combination of photographs and quotations to trace the outlines of her work for earth and man. The quotations from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother act in concert with the photographs, many of them familiar and some less frequently seen, to touch upon many aspects of the Mother’s life and evoke the far-reaching scope of her work.

Volume One begins with photographs from her childhood, set among her reminiscences of early spiritual experiences and a quotation from Sri Aurobindo that “The Mother had been spiritually conscious from her youth, even from her childhood.” photo Chapter Seven, “The Mother Divine”, highlights her direction and charge of the Ashram, “a work which includes life and action and the physical world…. Spiritual consciousness within but also spiritual life without”, and offers an array of photographs of the balcony darshan, daily blessings, and puja blessings that draws visual attention to the central role of her presence in the lives of the sadhaks. Additional chapters demonstrate the keen attention she gave to preparing the children for the future and making the body a perfect instrument for receiving and manifesting the higher consciousness.

Volume Two starts with quotations and messages on the supramental consciousness, its descent “a thing decreed and inevitable in the evolution of the earth-consciousness…. photo But that the change may arrive, take form and endure, there is needed the call from below with a will to recognise and not deny the Light when it comes, and there is needed the sanction of the Supreme from above. The power that mediates between the sanction and the call is the presence and power of the Divine Mother.” In the next chapter, work for the Divine under the Mother’s guidance follows as the natural way and form to help prepare the ground for a spiritualised life. Some of the most moving images of the Mother appear in the chapter “Divine Solicitude”, where the compassion and the strength of her Grace flow from each page. In the final section the quotations hint at the arduous work of transforming the cells of the body which the Mother undertook and her complete surrender to the will of the Supreme Lord:

At every second all the cells must be (gesture of motionless offering upward) in an adoration, in an aspiration—an adoration, an aspiration, an adoration…and nothing else. Then after a time there is also delight, then that ends in blissful trust. When this trust is established all will be well. But…it is easy to say, it is much more difficult to do. Only, for the moment I am convinced that this is the only means, there is no other.

On a page at the very beginning of the book one finds the Mother’s explanation that her photos contain “a living presence, a vibrant Force and an Entity or an Emanation which is projected and has a tremendous power of action and a means of execution”. These quotations and photographs, which seek to portray what is essentially beyond words or images, reveal the splendid and miraculous touch of the Mother in our lives.

At the other end of the spectrum from this evocative chronicle of the Mother’s mission on earth is a new critical appreciation of Sri Aurobindo’s epic work Savitri. Grounded in serious research and presented with a dedicated teacher's enthusiasm for her subject, this book, Transformation of Consciousness in Savitri, approaches a study of the poem as it relates to the key tenets of Sri Aurobindo’s philosophy. The chapters on the involution and evolution of consciousness, the different levels of human consciousness as seen in Savitri, and the triple transformation of consciousness – psychic, spiritual, and supramental – are firmly seated in an analysis of the poem and supported by references to Sri Aurobindo’s other major works. The author blends exposition and citations from Savitri in a format that encourages a systematic study of the poem. For example, while presenting the idea of the involution of consciousness, she writes that
The Supreme comes down through several states and gradations which form the different planes of consciousness. In this descent there can be distinguished seven distinct principles of the being, organized into seven different planes of existence — Sat, Chit, Ananda (Existence, Consciousness, Bliss), Supermind, and its secondary form the Overmind, Mind, Life and Matter. Sri Aurobindo has described these gradations in Savitri,
          The seried kingdoms of the graded Law
          Plunged from the Everlasting into Time,
          Then glad of a glory of multitudinous mind
          And rich with life’s adventure and delight
          And packed with the beauty of Matter’s shapes and hues
          Climbed back from Time into undying self,
          Up a golden ladder carrying the soul,
          Tying with diamond threads the Spirit’s extremes.

In addition to her analysis of the different levels of consciousness and its evolution and transformation as explained in Savitri, the author has expounded on the poem as an expression of Sri Aurobindo’s own theory of Overmind aesthesis. The final chapter, which also summarises the major themes of the book, claims Savitri as humanity’s guide for the radical transformation of consciousness that is required to solve today’s evolutionary crisis and achieve man’s future destiny as envisioned by Sri Aurobindo.


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coverThe Mother: Her Miraculous Touch

— Photographs of the Mother and quotations from the Mother and Sri Aurobindo
ISBN: 978-81-7058-970-9
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Publication Department, Pondicherry
Binding: Hard Cover (2 volumes)
Pages: 585
Price: Rs 1250

This is a selection of black-and-white photographs of the Mother (and some of Sri Aurobindo), interspersed with short excerpts from their writings. Starting with Mirra Alfassa at six, the album covers segments of her entire life–in Paris, in Algeria, in Japan, and finally in Pondicherry. Chapter headings such as ‘Growing Consciously’, ‘Exploring Hidden Domains’, and ‘Meeting Sri Aurobindo’ suggest the sequence the compilers have chosen for the photographs. The collection covers a wide range of the Ashram’s activities in which the Mother was known to have been closely involved. Captions are provided separately at the end of each volume, tagged on to stamp-sized replicas of the original photographs. The high-grammage paper stock used and the sturdy binding provided enhance the appeal of the book.

coverTransformation of Consciousness in Savitri

— Kalpana Bidwaikar
ISBN: 978-81-901891-8-7
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Centre for Advanced Research, Pondicherry
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 212
Price: Rs 195

This book explores several themes on the transformation of consciousness in Savitri. It expounds Sri Aurobindo’s philosophy of the involution and evolution of consciousness and relates it specifically to the poem, citing passages from his major works and verses from the epic. It explores the different levels of human consciousness as seen in Savitri and explains the psychic and spiritual transformations experienced by Savitri and Ashwapati, leading ultimately to the supramental transformation and the creation of a new kind of being and a divinised life on earth.

coverThree Stages of Progress in Sadhana

— Words of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother
ISBN: 978-81-7060-310-8
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Society, Pondicherry
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 40
Price: Rs 30

coverOur Present Natural Life and The True Soul Life

— Compiled from the Works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother
ISBN: 978-81-7060-309-2
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Society, Pondicherry
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 40
Price: Rs 30


coverPrakash, Antahin Prakash

— Sri Aravind ke Lekhon se Sankalit
ISBN: 978-81-7060-277-4
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Society, Pondicherry
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 96
Price: Rs 5

Hindi translation of Light, Endless Light

101 sayings from Sri Aurobindo.


coverPrachchhanna Alo

— Ranajit Sarkar
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Pathamandir, Kolkata
Binding: Hard Cover
Pages: 205
Price: Rs 175

coverHajar "Ami"r Madhey Ami Hariye Jai

— Debabrata Majumdar
ISBN: 978-81-7060-308-5
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Institute of Research in Social Sciences, Sri Aurobindo Society, Pondicherry
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 30
Price: Rs 10

coverSusanghata Bharat

Kichu Bhabna
— Debabrata Majumdar
ISBN: 978-81-7060-302-3
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Institute of Research in Social Sciences, Sri Aurobindo Society, Pondicherry
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 84
Price: Rs 20

coverAhaituki Kripa

— Baidyanath Mullick
Publisher: Apurbakumar Saha, Kolkata
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 80
Price: Rs 25


coverJai Ma: Srimanka Seva

— Pashupati Bhattacharya
Publisher: Madanlal Poddar, Pondicherry
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 28
Price: Rs 10

Oriya translation of Jai Ma: On the Mother's Service

Reproduced from a chapter in On the Mother Divine by Pashupati, this small booklet addresses the right attitude to be taken towards work as part of one’s sadhana. It urges the reader to begin seeing every work as the Mother’s work, to be carried out with a constant remembrance of her, and to abandon the notion of personal gain and egocentric success. Work done in the right spirit, in whatever field of endeavour, can bring about a change of consciousness and draw one nearer to the Divine.


coverYugapurusha Sri Aravinda

— Ko. Chennabasappa
Publisher: Karnataka Nilayam Trust, Pondicherry
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 126
Price: Rs 75

A collection of essays on Sri Aurobindo, his Yoga, and his Ashram.


coverJai Ma: Au Service de Douce Mère

— Pashupati Bhattacharya
Publisher: Madanlal Poddar, Pondicherry
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 28
Price: Rs 10

French translation of Jai Ma: On the Mother's Service

Reproduced from a chapter in On the Mother Divine by Pashupati, this small booklet addresses the right attitude to be taken towards work as part of one’s sadhana. It urges the reader to begin seeing every work as the Mother’s work, to be carried out with a constant remembrance of her, and to abandon the notion of personal gain and egocentric success. Work done in the right spirit, in whatever field of endeavour, can bring about a change of consciousness and draw one nearer to the Divine.


coverOb Istinnoyi Krasote

— Iz rabot Sri Aurobindo i Materi
ISBN: 978-5-7938-0053-2
Publisher: Aditi, St. Petersburg, Russia
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 60
Price: Rs 60

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