Prasav Purva Shiksha

Ek Ujjwal Bhavishya ki Aur

— Sri Mataji aur Sri Aravind ke Lekhon, tatha anya Sthanon se Sankalit


Price: Rs 50

Pages: 50
Dimensions (in cms): 14x22
ISBN: 978-81-7060-312-2
Soft Cover
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Society, Zonal Committee (Hindi) Noida

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About Prasav Purva Shiksha

Description of content for corresponding English title Pre-Natal Education

The articles in this book are drawn from a variety of sources and aim at preparing the younger generation for a deeper, more enlightened view of marriage, conception, pregnancy, and childbirth. Extracts from the Mother's writings concern the deeper purpose of marriage and the need for a conscious aspiration throughout the processes of conception and gestation. Other articles offer advice for a healthy pregnancy and some basic guidelines for pre-natal education.