Chaitya Shiksha

Abhyas-Pustak: Srima Aur Sriaravind Ke Lekhon Par Adharit

— Neeltje Huppes


Price: Rs 300

Pages: 273
Dimensions (in cms): 14x21
ISBN: 978-81-955978-3-3
Soft Cover
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Ashram - Delhi Branch

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About Chaitya Shiksha

Description of content for corresponding English title Psychic Education

This workbook is in two parts. The first, "Self-Preparation", is "to help all those who want to take the first steps in integrating spirituality in every day life" and for those "who would like to intensify the search for the psychic being". The second part, primarily though not exclusively for teachers, deals with the theme of Integral Education – education "centred around the soul, as distinct from holistic education where the soul is just one of the areas of concentration." Numerous exercises are included, based on those the Mother herself gave during her question-and-answer sessions. Worksheets and checklists to assist and assess one's progress are provided.