Prithvi par Divya Jeevan ka Avirbhav

Sri Aravind va Srima ke Shabdon men (Tippaniyon sahit)

— Sankalankarta: Chandra Prakash Khetan


Price: Rs 400

Pages: 330
Dimensions (in cms): 14x22
ISBN: 978-81-86549-03-2
Hard Cover
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Divine Life Education Centre, Jhunjhunu

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About Prithvi par Divya Jeevan ka Avirbhav

Description of content for corresponding English title A Divine Life Manifesto

This compilation concerns Sri Aurobindo's and the Mother's vision of a divine life and how it is likely to unfold in the terrestrial nature in future. As an integral education is likely to play a crucial role in preparing mankind for this future life, this book briefly presents such aspects of integral education relevant for this purpose. Extracts on other important issues related to the manifestation of a divine life on earth as envisioned by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are also included.