The Joy of Light

— Compiled and designed by Huta


Price: Rs 350

Pages: 83
Dimensions (in cms): 18x24
ISBN: 978-81-87372-26-4
Soft Cover
Publisher: The Havyavahana Trust, Pondicherry

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About The Joy of Light

The forty-seven crayon sketches on tinted papers collected in this volume were done by Huta and were inspired by visions which the Mother had recounted to her. Every day over a period of about six months, Huta would do at least one picture. After being shown each drawing, the Mother would concentrate and then note down the significance of the sketch, such as "Unshaken Hope", "Grateful Receptivity", and "The Birth of a Consciousness". These significances, in facsimiles of the Mother's handwriting, are given with the drawings. The book also includes a few sketches done by the Mother as well as her comments on several of Huta's drawings.


This book presents art work by Huta, inspired by Mother Herself.

Mother wrote to Huta: "I am sending some coloured paper for your nice drawings." Huta accepted this wonderful opportunity and fulfilled Mother's wish. The result is this precious little book that gives to the viewer "the joy of light".

In this collection of drawings, there are faces of beings from occult and mystic worlds with their luminous subtlety. The calm, serene faces with their flowing lines in sober, soft colours evoke mystic depths in us, stirring our hearts to call and to aspire. Encouraged and inspired by Mother, Huta drew these pictures, which were at times completed or touched up by Her.

We see in these visions rare beauty representing different states of consciousness. This is strikingly felt because these pictures are titled and explained by Mother Herself: Beatitude, Blissful Peace, Perfect Surrender, Concentrated Serenity, Joy of Surrender, etc. They evoke a spiritual atmosphere. One becomes a captive of Joy and Peace. Mother's revealing comments give us a deeper and richer understanding, filling our being with the truth of Her words.

As we look more intently at a few of the pictures, our limited vision and consciousness are shaken up by Mother's stimulating comments. We are then able to view these drawings with a sharper eye, entering a new world.

In the sketch titled "The Joy of Light", the rhythmic lines in a concentrated, soothing tone of golden brown, with touches of delicate white, present to us a pure being with a deep, inward look. This figure evokes these lines from Savitri:

In moments when the inner lamps are lit

And the life's cherished guests are left outside,

Our spirit sits alone and speaks to its gulfs.

No wonder there is a divine communion and so a joy of light.

In "Sweet Safety", we see a sweet little figure nestled close to a larger divine one who is radiating love, tenderness and protection. The little human psyche is securely cuddled in the divine embrace, eyes closed in a confident abandon, full of faith. When one is so intimate and united with the Divine, "What is there that can touch you, or whom need you fear?"

The drawing which Mother has called "Nobility of Detachment" brings to us a figure of rich aristocratic beauty, whose face, with its sharp, single-minded gaze, disregarding the world around, is absolutely unconcerned about externalities. He needs nothing and wants nothing. Aloof and mighty in his aloneness, he is in a supremely happy state of consciousness.

In this way, She exposes our narrow vision to the superior merits of each drawing. Our sight needs to learn to catch the inspired expression, breaking through the mere strokes of the brush, and sense its depth and message.

We feel Mother's presence and Her divine touch, physical and subtle, which exalts our being, awakening in us a responding gratitude and aspiration.

Mother told us a most interesting story about these figures in the paintings. They come alive, out of the pictures, and visit Her in the subtle world:

They came one by one from the books which are with me now, and assembled in the sitting room. I wanted to be sure whether they were real, so I closed my eyes and saw with an occult eye that the books were absolutely blank, because the beings were sitting with us. We all meditated for half an hour. After that...I saw that the figures had all returned to the books. Really it was very nice!

Commissioned by Mother, Huta worked in a spirit of deep dedication. Mother appreciated her work and participated closely in the entire project.

This book is a boon of Divine Grace for art lovers.

— Nirata

Nirata-di came to Pondicherry as a child and joined the Ashram's school in early 1945, the second year after its foundation. Since 1959 she has taught English and later painting at the Centre of Education.

June 2014