The Horizon (Diganta)

— Nishikanta


Price: Rs 80

Pages: 71
Dimensions (in cms): 14x22
Soft Cover
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Sthan, Kolkata

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About The Horizon (Diganta)

Readers of Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo will be familiar with the many references there to Nishikanta's development as a poet in Bengali and in English. Sri Aurobindo once called him "a Brahmaputra of inspiration" and remarked that "he got a touch here which brought out in him some powerful force of vital vision and word". This English translation of Diganta, Nishikanta's book of seventy-three poems in Bengali, has been published to commemorate his birth centenary. Most of these poems deal with his inner experiences as a sadhak and a poet, but an appendix has been added to include "Integral India", written on August 15, 1947, and inspired by Sri Aurobindo's message on that occasion.