Insights Into Savitri

Explorations of some aspects of Savitri

— Essays by Various Authors, Editors: Dr V. Ananda Reddy & Dr Larry Seidlitz


Price: Rs 320

Pages: 280
Dimensions (in cms):  15x24
ISBN: 978-93-85391-29-3  
Soft Cover
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Centre for Advanced Research Trust, Pondicherry

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About Insights Into Savitri

Prefaced by a talk of the Mother on Savitri as recorded by Mona Sarkar, this volume presents insights on Sri Aurobindo’s epic poem by a group of contributors who delivered talks on the subject between August 2021 and August 2022. The first three talks are on the nature of the relationship between Savitri and Satyavan. The next eleven cover different thematic approaches such as the debate of Love and Death, the first steps of Aswapati’s Yoga, transformation and transcendence, and insights on avatarhood in Savitri. The final five talks fall under the rubric Savitri: “A Super Epic” and look at subjects as diverse as Savitri as mantra, prakriti and the manifestations of spiritual consciousness, and the powerful and irresistible presence of Savitri in the epic.