Glory of The Lord as revealed in Savitri

Annotated Selections from Sri Aurobindo's Savitri

— Alok Pandey


Price: Rs 250

Pages: 143
Dimensions (in cms):  14x22
ISBN: 978-1-7378943-3-9  
Hard Cover
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Yoga Foundation of North America, USA

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About Glory of The Lord as revealed in Savitri

This book is an annotated selection of passages from Savitri that reveal the different poises and statuses of the Divine Lord, especially as the conscious descent of the Supreme in a human form, the Avatar. The author has organised the selected passages under themes such as the Lord in the becoming, the transcendent Lord, the Lord as all, the Supreme Lord, the Lord as the world-redeemer, the lila of the Avatar, and the promise of the Lord. The intent of these selections is to bring the reader into contact with the Divine as Lord and Master of the Creation.