The English of Savitri: Volume 05 (Book Two – The Book of the Traveller of the Worlds) Part One: Cantos One to Four

Comments on the language of Sri Aurobindo's epic Savitri

— Shraddhavan


Price: Rs 550

Pages: 301
Dimensions (in cms):  14x22
ISBN: 978-93-82474-27-2  
Hard Cover
Publisher: Savitri Bhavan, Auroville

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About The English of Savitri: Volume 05 (Book Two – The Book of the Traveller of the Worlds) Part One: Cantos One to Four

Like the previous volumes in this series, this book is based on the transcripts of classes held at Savitri Bhavan. Its aim remains the same, to read the poetry according to the natural rhythms of English speech and to gain a better understanding and appreciation of Savitri by explaining Sri Aurobindo’s vocabulary, sentence structure, and imagery. The book begins with an Introduction that explores two questions inspired by the title of Book Two: “Who is the traveller?” and “What and where are these worlds?” The author then studies line by line the first four cantos of Book Two. The remaining eleven cantos of Book Two, Cantos Five to Fifteen, are summarised in a page each at the end of the volume. The Afterword places the content of this volume in the context of the series.