A Dual Power of God

Sri Aurobindo's Satyavan and Savitri (A Brief Study)

— Sitaramayya and Swarna Gouri


Price: Rs 60

Pages: 79
Dimensions (in cms):  14x22
Soft Cover
Publisher: M. C. C. Publications, Bangalore

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About A Dual Power of God

Without the Conscious-Soul, Prakriti cannot act; without the Nature-Soul, Purusha must remain unmanifest. This philosophy of 'dual power' becomes an experienced reality in Sri Aurobindo's epic poem Savitri. Savitri presents a Conquest of Death. The role of Satyavan and Savitri – we cannot think of one without the other – as the Dual Power of God in the great endeavour of conquering Death is the object of this study.


Savitri is ‘the picture' of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother's "joint adventure into the unknown or rather the Supermind," reflected in the inner lives of Savitri and Satyavan. Savitri is the Subjective - description of the work of Savitri and Satyavan who represent:

"A Dual Power of God in an ignorant world...
Bringing down God to the insentient globe,
Lifting earth-beings to immortality...
You are my Force at work to uplift earth's fate,...
He is my soul that climbs from nescient Night
Through life and mind and supernature's Vast
To the supernal light of Timelessness..."

Satyavan is ‘the Avatar', says the Mother. "He is the incarnation of the Supreme". So too, "Savitri is the beautiful body of the Incarnate Word". The difference, if at all, between these incarnates is:

"One leans to the earth, the other yearns to the skies..."

However, it is only together that Satyavan and Savitri can bring down the supermind upon earth:

"The incarnate dual power shall open gods' door,
Eternal Supermind touch earthly Time."

This is the central theme of Savitri and the co-authors of this booklet, ‘A Dual Power of God' have used it as a connecting thread upon which they string together apt passages from Savitri.

These passages progressively reveal the story of Savitri keeping at bay any interpretation, explanation or elucidation. Perhaps the authors had in mind to write the story of Savitri only in the words of Sri Aurobindo. In this they have succeeded. This booklet, or a lengthy essay, is a faithful biography of Savitri and Satyavan in the words of Sri Aurobindo.

Thus, in a way, the booklet which is an introduction to the new reader of Savitri, maintains a kind of purity and faithfulness, for the authors have not disturbed much the atmosphere of the book, Savitri.

The authors have aptly chosen the title, ‘A Dual Power of God' in delineating the characters of Satyavan and Savitri, for truly they are Two who are One, ‘the secret of all power' and ‘the might and right in things'.

But the cover design could have been, keeping in line with the theme, a lot more representative and symbolic.

If the authors' aim in writing this booklet has been to communicate to the reader ‘a fraction of their joy in reading' Savitri, well, they have amply succeeded in it.

— Dr. Ananda Reddy

August 2000