Poets and Mystics

(Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta: Volume 2)

— Nolini Kanta Gupta


Price: Rs 510

Pages: 410
Dimensions (in cms):  14x22
ISBN: 978-93-5210-294-5  
Soft Cover
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education, Pondicherry

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About Poets and Mystics

This second volume of the revised and enlarged edition of the Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta comprises six books that deal primarily with mysticism and poetry. The first four are collections of essays. Their titles, along with their first year of publication, are: The Approach to Mysticism (1946), Poets and Mystics (1951), Seer Poets (1970), and Man, Human and Divine (c. 1958). The fifth book, Towards the Light (1938), is a collection of aphorisms and the sixth, To the Heights (1944), a collection of forty-seven poems. Sri Aurobindo, Rabindranath Tagore, Pascal, Blake, Goethe, T.S. Eliot, Rishi Dirghatama, Shakespeare, and Dante are among the poets, mystics, and seer poets featured in these essays. In Man, Human and Divine, essays on the democracy of tomorrow, human destiny, the language problem and India, and the philosopher as an artist represent a wide range of subjects.