New Ways in English Literature

— James H. Cousins


Price: Rs 700

Pages: 131
Dimensions (in cms):  14x22
ISBN: 978-93-89615-28-9  
Hard Cover
Publisher: Authors Press Group, New Delhi

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About New Ways in English Literature

When Cousins’s book was published from Madras in 1917 Sri Aurobindo agreed to write a review, finding some early clues to the higher functions of poetry in the coming age and the part that English literature and the Indian mind and temperament could play in determining the new trend. His review of the book led him to put forward his own theory of poetry, serialised in the Arya between 1917 and 1920 as The Future Poetry. In his seminal work of literary criticism, Cousins looks at the poetry of Tagore, Sri Aurobindo, W.B. Yeats, A.E., Stephen Phillips, Edward Carpenter, George Meredith, and Alfred Austin, as well as the work of the Irish playwright J.M. Synge and of the American essayist and poet R.W. Emerson. This new edition has a long introduction that focuses on the sympathy of connections between Cousins and Sri Aurobindo on the new literary trends of the time.