Notes on The Mother's 'Prayers and Meditations'

— Goutam Ghosal


Price: Rs 150

Pages: 95
Dimensions (in cms): 14x22
ISBN: 978-93-5967-266-3
Soft Cover
Publisher: La Mere Books, Kolkata

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About Notes on The Mother's 'Prayers and Meditations'

Prayers and Meditations is a collection of prayers from the Mother's diaries written originally in French mainly between 1912 and 1919.

These prayers unquestionably are a unique spiritual literature of extraordinary merit. But so far not much has been written about them. This books by Goutam Ghosal, a professor in English at the Viswabharati University, Santiniketan, brings to the focus the true value of these prayers which, he says, "...remind us of Sri Aurobindo's definition of inspired poetry: 'rhythmic voyage of self-discovery'."

Results of a very deep aspiration with high spirituality latent in each one of them, these prayers are sure to move every reader. Even those who have no interest in spirituality cannot fail to perceive that something truly great is happening in those pages, a vibration which clearly exists even in the
translations from the original French.

The "Notes" on these prayer by the author are not merely academic but results of inspired writing from a very deep understanding of the subject. The author feels that these "prayer-poems" can be a means for a search for beauty and should be introduced to the young students so as to open in them a vision for true love, truth, beauty and harmony.