Discourses on The Synthesis of Yoga - Volume IX

Part - III: The Yoga of Divine Love (Chapters I-VIII)

— V. Ananda Reddy


Price: Rs 425

Pages: 361
Dimensions (in cms): 14x22
ISBN: 978-93-85391-36-1
Soft Cover
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Centre for Advanced Research Trust, Pondicherry

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About Discourses on The Synthesis of Yoga - Volume IX

Volume Nine of this series commences with Part Three of The Synthesis of Yoga: “The Yoga of Divine Love”. Love as “the crown of works and the flowering of knowledge” forms the basis of the first chapter. Discourses then follow on love as the essential motive and the fulfilment of the Integral Yoga and on the need to turn Godward all parts of the human being to establish contact, enter into a relation, and unite with the Divine. “The Way of Devotion” is to consecrate the entire being, to bring an intensity to one’s yoga that culminates in the complete and utter surrender to the Beloved. The power and intimacy of the divine personality set against an intellectual principle of a divine consciousness is the seeker’s dilemma addressed in Chapter Five. The last three chapters discuss the experience of Ananda on the path of Yoga and explore the very nature of love and its profound place at the centre of our relation with the Divine.