Discourses on The Synthesis of Yoga - Volume VII

Part - II: The Yoga of Integral Knowledge (Chapters XIII-XVIII)

— V. Ananda Reddy


Price: Rs 350

Pages: 288
Dimensions (in cms):  14x22
ISBN: 978-93-85391-38-5  
Soft Cover
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Centre for Advanced Research Trust, Pondicherry

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About Discourses on The Synthesis of Yoga - Volume VII

Transcribed from Dr Reddy’s talks on The Synthesis of Yoga, Volume VII continues the examination of The Yoga of Integral Knowledge with Chapters 13–18.  The first chapter examines the difficulties of the mental being in embracing not only the transcendent peace and bliss of the One, but also recognising the divine spark at the origin of creation. Likewise, the chapter on the passive and the active Brahman seeks to establish the connection between both aspects in the Integral Yoga and the effects of that connection on sadhana. Moving from the state in which Brahman alone exists to one in which we see Him everywhere and in all things, we must know what it means to identify with the cosmic consciousness. Similarly, the final chapters lay out the path to reach the Supreme Oneness, how that Oneness manifests in duality, and the true meaning of the soul’s liberation.