The Veda Made Simple

— Pariksith Singh


Price: Rs 699

Pages: 191
Dimensions (in cms):  14x22
ISBN: 978-93-92209-51-2  
Soft Cover
Publisher: BluOne Ink LLP, Noida

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About The Veda Made Simple

As a keen student of the Veda for more than thirty years while also deeply engaged with Sri Aurobindo’s writings, the author has attempted in this book to understand what the Veda is and how Sri Aurobindo brought it back to us in a modern, lucid language. Chapter titles indicate the scope and intent of the study: a brief history and context of the Veda, a skeleton key to the Veda, the unique non-dualism of the Veda, and Yajna and the Fourfold Godhead of the Veda. Five appendices enhance the reader’s study of this interpretation of the complex philosophy and symbolism of the Rig Veda.