Parables from the Upanishads

— Nolini Kanta Gupta


Pages: 48
Dimensions (in cms):  13x21
Soft Cover
Publisher: Srinvantu Spiritual Trust, Kolkata

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About Parables from the Upanishads

In this short work seven parables from the Upanishads are retold with commentaries that probe the profound teachings that lie behind the simple stories. The familiar tales of Yama and Nachiketa, Satyakama and Upakoshala, Narada and Sanatkumara, and the stories of Rishi Yajnavalkya and Ushasti Chakrayana are among the parables that illustrate the traditional lines of ancient Indian education, reveal to the contemporary mind the significance of age-old rites and customs, and interpret the stages in the quest for self-knowledge and spiritual realisation.