From Veda to Kalki

— Tommaso Iorco


Price: Rs 2500

Pages: 624
Dimensions (in cms):  15x21
ISBN: 978-88-99708-00-9  
Hard Cover
Publisher: La Calama Editrice di Cellai Leonardo, Italy

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About From Veda to Kalki

Largely basing his overview of the Indian spiritual tradition on his own study of the writings of Sri Aurobindo, the author takes a wide-ranging look at the cultural and spiritual wealth that is found in Indian thought and life. Drawing on both Western and Eastern literary and cultural sources, the book affords a unique perspective on its subject. By way of introduction, the author first addresses a few misconceptions that seem still to plague a true understanding of India’s history and development such as the spurious theory of an Aryan invasion. He follows with chapters on the Vedic Rishis, the Upanishads, Samkhya, Yoga, the Gita, Vedanta, Puranas, Tantra, the Buddha, and Modern India—Towards Apocalypse that lead up to the final long chapter on Sri Aurobindo’s life and work and his evolutionary vision that finally unites spirit and matter in a transformed life on earth.