Auroville: The City the Earth Needs

A Pictorial Album


Price: Rs 250

Pages: 84
Dimensions (in cms): 18x25
Soft Cover
Publisher: Chandernagore Barasat Gate Cultural Association, Chandernagore

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About Auroville: The City the Earth Needs

A collection of photographs and texts was displayed at the Ashram’s Exhibition Hall to mark Auroville’s fiftieth anniversary in 2018. This book presents a selection of those photos and texts commemorating the founding of Auroville in February 1968 and the laying of the foundation stone for the Matrimandir in 1971. In the second part of the book, there are colour photographs of the flowers associated with the twelve Matrimandir gardens, the children of Auroville, and the Golden Jubilee celebrations, concluding with some experiences at the Matrimandir recorded by Champaklal and Nirodbaran.