The Ashram School: Glimpses of the Early Years

— Namita Sarkar


Price: Rs 110

Pages: 49
Dimensions (in cms): 24x18
ISBN: 978-93-5210-170-2
Soft Cover
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Publication Department, Pondicherry

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About The Ashram School: Glimpses of the Early Years

A simple narrative of historical events with more than fifty photographs to enliven the story, the book begins with the opening of a small school for thirty-eight children in December 1943 and moves ahead to the founding of the University Centre in 1952 and to the creation of the Higher Course and the Free Progress system in 1968. The aims and values of the school, the Mother’s guidance in all matters, and her methods of training for the teachers are explained through her own words. The overall development of the child included physical education activities and lessons in the fine arts, such as music, dance, and drama. The true aim of the Ashram school education is to prepare children for a higher life where they can thrive as living souls and express their true beings.