Mother and Me

— D. B. Bisht


Price: Rs 40

Pages: 48
Dimensions (in cms): 14x22
ISBN: 978-81-7060-218-7
Soft Cover
Publisher: SAIIIHR, Sri Aurobindo Society, Pondicherry

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About Mother and Me

Dr. Bisht has had a distinguished career in the medical profession. He was the Director-General of Health Services, Govt. of India, and upon retirement joined the World Health Organisation.

While Dr. Bisht was at JIPMER, Pondicherry, he served the Mother as her doctor. This was a period of close personal contact with her. In this book Dr. Bisht narrates his experiences with the Mother.


Mother and Me, a small booklet by Dr D. B. Bisht is a reminiscence of his life and some incidents during his stay in Pondicherry and his contact with the Mother. This is very interesting and enjoyable especially for those who have had some contact with the Mother. His life history shows how a mysterious force guided the events of his life so that he could come in contact with the Mother. He approached the Mother with a scientific temperament, asking Her questions that a devotee never would. Some of these questions, and the Mother's answers to them, are to be found in the later chapters of this book.

Let me mention here just two of the more interesting episodes in the book. Dr Bisht was a first-class student and his knowledge of medicine is remarkable. He has the ability to diagnose a person's ailment just by looking at him or her. During one of the blessings, he held the Mother's hand for a short while. He could immediately make out that the Mother had an irregular heartbeat. Such people usually do not live long. Dr Bisht found two exceptions; one was his maternal grandmother who lived an active life in the hills of Garhwal until her late seventies. The other was our Mother.

The second episode is even more interesting. One night during his early years in Pondicherry, before he began seeing the Mother in his capacity as doctor, he dreamt that he was urgently called to the Ashram as the Mother was not well. On examining Her, he saw a big dark hemorrhagic patch on Her left foot and part of the leg due to a blockage of blood circulation. This is normally a very painful condition. He contacted the Mother's secretary in the morning and asked him to enquire from the Mother if She had any trouble. The Mother sent word the following day that there was nothing wrong with Her. Eight years later, when he had started attending to the Mother as a physician, he was called, late at night, from the hospital where he worked to come and see the Mother urgently as She was not well. On examining Her, he found to his utter surprise that the Mother had exactly the same patch as he had dreamt eight years earlier.

All in all, a very interesting read.

— Vishwanath Lahiri

Vishwanath-da, a senior member of the Ashram, is in charge of the Centre for Design and Engineering. He has lived in the Ashram since 1948.

October 2004