Light of Lights

— Nolini Kanta Gupta


Price: Rs 25

Pages: 38
Dimensions (in cms): 12x18
Soft Cover
Publisher: Srinvantu Spiritual Trust, Kolkata

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About Light of Lights

These five short essays look succinctly at Sri Aurobindo’s life and work. The first defines his greatness as the greatness of the Divine in him, with always a wider frame, a higher status of being, a greater and purer degree of impersonality. The second highlights the series of radical turns in his life that moved him to new lines of seeing and action. In the third, integration is hailed as our work for the future—first on the individual level, then all life and action raised to an ever higher poise of consciousness. The fourth pinpoints the distinct reality that is the Supermind, the fundamental substance that underlies the world. The last essay reveals that Savitri’s victory in reclaiming Satyavan from Death was to secure the highest truths for earthly life: to become the human divine.