Meditations on Savitri - III

Book Four – Book Seven

— Paintings by Huta under the Mother's guidance


Price: Rs 1250

Pages: 282
Dimensions (in cms): 23x23
ISBN: 978-81-87372-39-4
Hard Cover
Publisher: The Havyavahana Trust, Pondicherry

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About Meditations on Savitri - III

This is the third volume in a series that will present all of the 472 paintings on Savitri made by Huta under the Mother's guidance. From 1961 to 1966 the Mother and Huta meditated together on lines chosen from Sri Aurobindo's Savitri, and when an image appeared to the Mother she described it to Huta with the help of a few strokes. Huta then completed the work in her studio as an oil painting. The Mother named the series of paintings Meditations on Savitri. This volume of 124 paintings accompanied by the corresponding lines from Savitri, covers Book Four, "The Book of Birth and Quest” (31 paintings), Book Five, “The Book of Love” (21 paintings), Book Six, “The Book of Fate” (23 paintings), and Book Seven, “The Book of Yoga” (49 paintings).