White Roses

Part One, Part Two, Part Three

— The Mother's Messages and Correspondence With Huta


Price: Rs 250

Pages: 192
Dimensions (in cms): 12x17
ISBN: 978-81-87372-30-1
Soft Cover
Publisher: The Havyavahana Trust, Pondicherry

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About White Roses

The Mother wrote many letters and sent daily notes to Huta. These notes were always accompanied by white roses, which became the title for the book consisting of extracts from these letters and notes written over a period of fifteen years, from 1955 to 1970. The book is divided chronologically into three parts, as the letters originally appeared as three separate booklets. In these extracts, the Mother offers Huta advice, encouragement, and explanations on an array of spiritual matters that arise in the course of sadhana.