About Savitri: With some paintings (Part One)

— Paintings by Huta with passages from Savitri and explanations by the Mother


Price: Rs 350

Pages: 127
Dimensions (in cms):  19x25
ISBN: 978-81-87372-15-8  
Soft Cover
Publisher: The Havyavahana Trust, Pondicherry

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About About Savitri: With some paintings (Part One)

In 1968 the Mother began her work on Savitri with Huta. The Mother read out passages from the poem and then, after a deep contemplation, gave her comments, which were tape-recorded and later transcribed by Huta. The Mother named the work About Savitri, and later gave a message for the book: "Savitri—The supreme revelation of Sri Aurobindo's vision". Each passage from the poem is followed by the Mother's explanation and Huta's painting, inspired and approved by the Mother. Part One covers Book One, Canto One and includes thirty-two paintings. This is a new edition of the book which was first published in 1972.