Commentaries on the Dhammapada

— The Mother


Price: Rs 80

Pages: 141
Dimensions (in cms): 12x18
ISBN: 978-93-5210-032-3
Soft Cover
Table of Contents    View online   
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Publication Department, Pondicherry

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About Commentaries on the Dhammapada

This book contains a translation of the Dhammapada and the Mother 's commentaries on this important Buddhist scripture. During her classes at the Ashram Playground in 1957–58, she read from a French translation of the text and explained some of the essential truths expounded by the Buddha in these verses, such as the control and mastery of the mind and the need for constant awareness and a central sincerity on the spiritual path. Her purpose, as she told the class, was to teach them mental control.