The Ideal of the Karmayogin

— Sri Aurobindo


Price: Rs 70

Pages: 74
Dimensions (in cms): 12x18
ISBN: 978-93-5210-198-6
Soft Cover
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Publication Department, Pondicherry

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About The Ideal of the Karmayogin

The articles collected here first appeared in 1909–10 in the Karmayogin a weekly newspaper edited by Sri Aurobindo. The first ten were written by him and the final two by Sister Nivedita, who took over as editor in February 1910. The aim of the newspaper was to encourage a spirit of nationalism, to help India recover her true heritage and remould it for her future. Its view was that the freedom and greatness of India were essential to fulfilling her destiny, to lead the spiritual evolution of humanity.