Letters on Yoga: Volume II

— Sri Aurobindo


Price: Rs 290

Pages: 522
Dimensions (in cms): 14x22
ISBN: 978-93-5210-060-6
Soft Cover
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Publication Department, Pondicherry

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About Letters on Yoga: Volume II

Letters on Yoga–II comprises letters written by Sri Aurobindo on the practice of the Integral Yoga. It is the second of four volumes of Letters on Yoga. The letters in these volumes have been selected from the large body of letters that Sri Aurobindo wrote to disciples and others between 1927 and 1950, but primarily in the 1930s. About one-third of the letters in the present volume were not published in the Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library.

This second volume is arranged by subject in three parts: the path of the Integral Yoga, the synthetic method of the Integral Yoga, and the Integral Yoga and other spiritual paths. Individual letters deal with many subjects relating to its practice, including the true object of spiritual seeking, the basic requisites of the path, the foundation of the sadhana, the yoga of knowledge, works, devotion, and self-perfection, and the distinction of the Integral Yoga as a yoga of transformation.