Letters on Yoga: Volume I

— Sri Aurobindo


Price: Rs 320

Pages: 590
Dimensions (in cms): 14x22
ISBN: 978-81-7058-953-2
Soft Cover
Table of Contents    View PDF   
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Publication Department, Pondicherry

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About Letters on Yoga: Volume I

Letters on Yoga—I, the first of four volumes, contains letters in which Sri Aurobindo speaks about the foundations of his spiritual teaching and method of Yogic practice. The letters in these volumes have been selected from the large body of letters that Sri Aurobindo wrote to disciples and others between 1927 and 1950, but primarily in the 1930s. About one-third of the letters in the present volume were not published in the Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library.

This first volume is arranged by subject in five parts: the Divine, the Cosmos, and the individual; the parts of the being and the planes of consciousness; the evolutionary process and the supermind; the problems of philosophy, science, religion, and society; and questions of spiritual and occult knowledge. Individual letters deal with many subjects relating to these themes, including definitions of the outer being, the inner being, and the psychic being as well as of the planes of consciousness from the supermind to the subconscient, the supramental descent and transformation, doubt and faith in yoga, and answers to questions about destiny, karma, death, and rebirth.