Bharater Nabajanma

— Sri Aurobindo


Price: Rs 50

Pages: 68
Dimensions (in cms):  12x18
ISBN: 978-93-5210-046-0  
Soft Cover
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Publication Department, Pondicherry

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About Bharater Nabajanma

Description of content for corresponding English title The Renaissance in India

First published serially in the monthly review Arya between August and November 1918, these essays examine the spirit behind the Indian social and cultural resurgence that had begun a few decades earlier. Sri Aurobindo describes the ancient spirit and characteristic soul of India as having an ingrained spirituality, an enormous vitality and prolific creativity, and a strong intellectuality which sought the inner truth and law of each activity. He envisions a rebirth of this spirit in a new body of energy and in a new form, suffusing all aspects of Indian life – art, poetry, politics, science – indeed, all forms of human activity.