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Dear Aurovilians: Inspiration from Karan Singh's Auroville collaboration

With a Special Addendum – Light on Karan Singh

— Compiled and edited by Aryadeep S. Acharya

Price: Rs 600

Hard Cover
Pages: 215
Dimensions (in cms): 22x24
Publisher: PRISMA, Auroville
ISBN: 978-81-933675-5-1

About Dear Aurovilians: Inspiration from Karan Singh's Auroville collaboration

In 1988, when the Parliament of India passed the Auroville Foundation Act, Karan Singh was appointed its first chairman. He served four more terms as Chairman, presiding in that capacity over the growth of Auroville for twenty-two years. This book is a collection of some of Karan Singh’s speeches, selections from interviews on his association with Auroville, a few articles he wrote on Auroville, selected letters and messages to Auroville, a look back on his early connections to the Ashram and Auroville, and an addendum of tributes to his person and his achievements. The book includes many large photographs in colour and in black and white, and five QR codes that can be scanned to watch videos featuring Karan Singh in Auroville.