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Sri Aurobindo: Selected Photos

— Compiled by Michael Bonke

Price: Rs 1900

Hard Cover
Pages: 298
Dimensions (in cms): 23x35
Publisher: Mitra Auroville, Auroville
ISBN: 978-3-934726-70-3

About Sri Aurobindo: Selected Photos

The 145 black and white photographs in this book have been selected and arranged in an attempt to bring out the depth of spiritual vibration that radiates from Sri Aurobindo's photos. There are four categories of pictures: Sri Aurobindo's youth in England and his political period before imprisonment; his time in Alipore Jail and his early stay in Pondicherry, pictures taken by Cartier-Bresson in April 1950; and pictures of his Mahasamadhi. Most are unretouched photographs, arranged without chronology or theme or identifying remarks. At the back of the book the pictures are reproduced in smaller size with dates and some brief comments.